Interviews and Texts on NEROPA
Manori Ravindran: Diversifying TV: the practices improving workplace inclusivity
Television Business International TBI Vision, 12.10.18
Marian Evans: Belinde Ruth Stieve’s NEROPA Strategy
Women’s Film Activism – Medium 24.3.18
Marian Evans: Belinde Ruth Stieve & NEROPA (interview)
Wellywood Woman, 24.3.18
Progress for Parity Principle
Equity Magazine Spring 2018, page 12
WIFT backing NEROPA, A New Initiative to Address Gender Balance on Screen
Women in Fim & Telvision, 22.1.18
Giverny Masso: Casting tool to create gender parity in theatre launches in UK
in: The Stage, 11.1.18
Yvonne de Andrés: Interview with Belinde Ruth Stieve (in German)
in: Aviva-Berlin Online Magazin, 19.7.17
Cecilia Johnson-Ferguson: Neropa, an innovative tool to counterbalance the unequal gender distribution of film characters
in: european women’s audiovisual network, 18.7.17
Peter Hartig: Neutrale Rollen. (Interview with film stills, in German)
in: cinearte 366, page 2-11. 17.3.16
Jana Dolan: “No quiero más películas en las que solo los hombres actúan y las mujeres acompañan, aman y están guapas.“ Interview mit Belinde Ruth Stieve.
in: (500) dias de cine con ella, 9.3.15 (English translation on SchspIN).
Belinde Ruth Stieve: Texts about NEROPA
NEROPA Touring the Irish Isle – #WakingTheFeminists
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts 23.10.18
Equity NEROPA Symposium, London Jan. 18
Presentation and Audio
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN -An Actress’s Thoughts 22.2.18
Teach an Old Dog Tricks!
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts. 28.11.17
Neoping during Script Development
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts. 6.11.17
The Future is Now
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts. 27.6.17
Neropa II: “Yes, But….” – Possible Arguments against Neropa
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts. 14.3.16
Neropa: NEutrale ROllen PArität für mehr Rollenvielfalt (in German)
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: out-takes – Der Blog der Film- und Fernsehbranche, 21. Jan. 2016
A Casting Tool called Neropa
Belinde Ruth Stieve in: SchspIN – An Actress’s Thoughts. 20 Jan. 2016
Statements and Measures from Film Organizations
BFI Diversity Standards
Guidance for funded projects to better included underrepresented groups on and off screen.
Gendertalk: Offener Brief des BVC an Autoren, Produzenten, Regisseure und Sendermitarbeiter in Deutschland
Bundesverband Casting, 3.5.17
Manifesto for Casting
Equity UK, 21.6.17
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Film Dialogue from 2,000 screenplays, Broken Down by Gender and Age.
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Selection of Texts from Belinde Ruth Stieve
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Berlin Theatre Festival 2015. And Gender Switching
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Age: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
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Well done, Sister Equity! – Interview with Jean Rogers (Equity UK)
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The Perfect Age for German TV
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