A puppet animation and stop motion film about NEROPA was produced in the summer of 2019. It has a running length of just under four minutes and is available in an English and a German version.

With the voices of Lore RichterSimona Theoharova und Maggie Cronin.
Team: Alice Escher, Andrea Kaufmann, Cornelius Koch, Fiona Rodrigo, Hanna Slättne and Belinde Ruth Stieve.
Music: Arno & Michi

Voice recordings in Berlin. The leading characters Zebra and Dog are recorded by actresses Lore Richter and Simona Theoharova:

Lore Richter and Simona Theoharova recording voice-overs

Also part of the team as DoP: stop motion film producer and Sounddesigner Cornelius Koch:


Some voice recordings for the English version were done in Belfast by  Hanna Slättne (sound recordist) and Maggie Cronin (actress and voice-artist):

First shooting of the stop-motion sequences took place in July. In August a new set was built and all scenes reshot.

Stop-motion sequences for NEROPA shortfilm. Photo Beinde Ruth Stieve

Last but not least: the leading characters Dog and Zebra:

The NEROPA Intro Clip (24 seconds):